Kelly Writer’s House Activities Fair

Event Details

Event Date

Event Date: Friday, September 2, 2022

Event Time

Event Time: 1:00 PM - to 3:30 PM

Event Description

Want to get involved with projects at the Kelly Writers House? Come to the KWH Activities Fair to learn about student-led activities and initiatives, including magazines, writing groups, zine making, film production, and more. You can meet student leaders and representatives of Bent Button, Curiouser, DoublespeakEquilibria, the Excelano Project, F-WordPenn MoviegoerPenn AppetitPenn ReviewPunch BowlQ-ineQuake, Wharton IBR, the zine library, and other magazines and groups. New and returning students welcome.

Location Details

Kelly Writers House

Address for Kelly Writers House

3805 Locust Walk
Philadelphia , PA 19104

Mapview of Location