Event Details
Event Date
Event Date: Saturday, August 27, 2022
Event Time
Event Time: 11:00 AM - to 12:20 PM
Event Description
Host: Dr. Daniel Cheely (Director of the Penn Program for Research on Religion and Urban Civil Society) and Prof. Ralph Rosen (Vartan Gregorian Professor of the Humanities and Professor of Classical Studies) will lead this interactive, conversational seminar.
Imagine if, after a sabbatical of some 2400 years, Socrates reawakened as your academic advisor: what wisdom might he have about how to go about getting an “education” here at Penn? In this NSO Preceptorial, we will reflect together on some of Plato’s writings on the conditions and ends of learning. Whether these issues have long bothered you or you’ve never considered them before, please join us for a convivial first seminar with Collegium and PRRUCS at Penn. No prior knowledge/reading is expected.
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