Project Lucid (NRCP) Presents: National Research Conference at Penn
Chai & Cha(a)t
Penn Art Club Presents: Sip and Paint
Brain Stimulation for Cognitive Enhancement: Effective? Ethical? Equitable?
Neuromodulation technologies hold the promise of modifying and potentially enhancing aspects of human cognition in healthy persons. This talk will discuss the downstream ethical, legal, and social imp…
Consumer Neuroscience: How theories and data from neuroscience inform marketing research
How can studying the brain improve our understanding of consumer behavior?
The neuroimaging of neurodivergence: How contemporary perspectives on autism have changed our interpretation of brain data (and vice versa)
Dr. Herrington will discuss how neuroimaging techniques and cultural/societal understandings of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) have influenced each other and how they impact data interpretation and tr…
Dear Penn Freshman
Join us at the Writers House for a public reading of some favorite “Dear Penn Freshmen” letters. You’ll be able to pick up copies of their latest zine a…
Planning Committee Meeting at the Kelly Writers House
Kelly Writers House Activities Fair
1000 Cranes Project
This is a follow up to the NSO preceptorial. It takes many hands to make 1000 cranes for the Class of 2028. Instructions and materials provided.
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