STAT 1110 Preceptorial: Bowling
On average, casual or recreational bowlers will knock down five pins per throw in bowling. We want to determine if the general population of Penn students is more skilled at bowling than the average b…
Pan-Asian American Community House Presents: Lunch Series with Speaker Will Chan
Pan-Asian American Community House Presents: Lunch Series with Speaker Malik Muhammed
Pan-Asian American Community House Presents: Lunch Series with Speaker Grace Edwards
Standing on Business: A Professional Development Series
Fall Porch Party
Project Lucid (NRCP) Presents: National Research Conference at Penn
Chai & Cha(a)t
Penn Art Club Presents: Sip and Paint

Brain Stimulation for Cognitive Enhancement: Effective? Ethical? Equitable?
Neuromodulation technologies hold the promise of modifying and potentially enhancing aspects of human cognition in healthy persons. This talk will discuss the downstream ethical, legal, and social imp…
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