SYO: PennTrack Tours, West Philadelphia & University City Tours
Walking tours engage second-years with the gems of Penn’s hometown including a Clark Park and Cira Green.
SYO: Second-Year Preceptorials (Includes PennTracks Tour)
Preceptorials explore the opportunities Penn has to offer including walking tours of Philadelphia neighborhoods.
West Philadelphia & University City Tours
Walking tours engage first-years with the gems of Penn’s hometown including Clark Park and Cira Green.
Student Performing Arts Night (SPAN)
Showcasing over 50 dance, music, comedy, theatre, poetry, and student performing arts clubs at Penn. Tickets: $5 || Ask your RA about discounted tickets! Learn More about Student Performing Arts Night (SPAN)

SYO: Intro to Food Justice at the Penn Park Farm
Growing and eating food shaped civilizations, and the roots of our food systems extend to all parts of our world today. Join us at Penn Park Farm to explore the meaning, histo…

Intro to Food Justice at the Penn Park Farm
Growing and eating food shaped civilizations, and the roots of our food systems extend to all parts of our world today. Join us at Penn Park Farm to explore the meaning, histo…
Intro to Food Justice at the Penn Park Farm
Intro to Food Justice at the Penn Park Farm

SYO: How is the Netherlands Adapting to Sea Level Rise
Accelerated sea level rise is a serious threat. Explore the radical options that are being considered in this low-lying country. Will they raise their dikes? Will they live in floating cities? Or will…
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