Placement Exams
Take your placement exams.
Non-Language Placement Exams:
Penn Traditions Highball to Hey Day
Join Penn’s Alumni Relations for snacks, games, and fun! Learn Penn songs and sign your class banner!
Welcome to Penn & PHINS Orientation Group Activities
Welcome to Penn session includes speakers from Public Safety, Campus Health, PVP, & CHAS. PHINS Orientation Group Meet-Up for intros, receive NSO wristband, brunch, and a …
Mandatory College House Meetings
Student attendance required for College House meetings and activities with House staff. Check with your RA, House Coordinator, or House Director for more info.
First-Year families join President Liz Magill and Provost Beth Winkelstein at the steps of College Hall, followed by a light dinner.
Info to Know… Before You Go: Penn Parent Orientation Panel
Penn experts will provide an overview of resources available to students succeed at Penn. Information covered will include housing, academics, safety, health, and finances.
Introduction to Penn’s Vibrant Cultural Resource Centers
The college student experience is exciting because it is so multifaceted, ranging from academics and extracurricular activities to residential life and alumni mentorship. Penn…
Penn Libraries Showcase
Explore Penn’s main library which serves as a hub for group study and research.
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