Weekly Crochet Circle
One of the dates that was planned was canceled because my ultimate frisbee tournament got rescheduled to that Saturday. There were a varied number of attendees at each crochet…

The Dubois Mentor and Me Program
On Sunday, January 29th from 7 – 8:30pm the Du Bois College House Council hosted their first annual Mentor & Me event to provide first year students with…
Winter Reading Project 2022 Panel Discussion — Black Panther: Wakanda Forever

Once in a Blue Moon
APSC and APAHW are excited to invite you to “Once in A Blue Moon” – join us for a night of bliss and memories!

Journalists Reporting from Conflict Zones
We invite Mr. Illia Ponomarenko (Kyiv Independent), Ms. Maha Hussaini (Middle East Eye/Euromed Human Rights Monitor), and Ms. Rahila Yousofi (TOLO News) to educate us on the u…

The Anatomy Fashion Show
This is a fundraiser that many PhiDE chapters across the United States host to raise money for Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals. Models dressed in bodysuits are painted he…
Seeking Environmental Justice in Philadelphia: Creating a Path for all Voices
The Reeves family has worked over generations to ameliorate harms and create opportunities in Grays Ferry, a predominantly Black community directly next to the refinery’s ol…

Penn Global Siblings Program
Through pairing one international student up with one domestic student, the program aims to foster long-term friendships, culture exchange, and sharing between the students …
Future Opportunities & Challenges in Pharmaceutical Research
This Preceptorial will cover the areas of medical research that are, and will be in the near future, of greatest interest in the pharmaceutical and biomedical industries. …

Student Gala
Join the Penn Museum in celebration of the new Eastern Mediterranean Gallery!
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